Chinese medicine and acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system in dysautonomia and POTS. By addressing the root cause of illness, acupuncture can promote health and healing.
The effects of stress on our health are pervasive and insidious. Even if you don’t feel particularly stressed, if you live in the modern world…
Headaches are a common occurrence that nearly everyone will experience from time to time. For most people they cause mild annoyance and discomfort, but frequent…
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows throughout the pelvis causing pain and infertility. Endometriosis affects around 1…
Constipation is a common digestive symptom that unfortunately affects most people at some point. Ideally, you should be passing a stool once or twice a…
Virtually every aspect of your health and wellbeing are influenced by the health of your digestive system, and the community of bacteria that live within…
Heavy periods are common, but, like with period pain, most women put up with it, thinking that it’s normal and that nothing can be done. …