Acupuncture for IVF

Acupuncture is increasingly recommended for people wanting to support their fertility, including those undergoing fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI. A practice with roots stretching back over 2,000 years, acupuncture offers a holistic and complementary approach to improving the chances of conception. This article explores how acupuncture can support IVF treatments, enhance fertility, and provide a balanced pathway to achieving a successful pregnancy.

Chinese medicine and Acupuncture can support an IVF cycle in a number of ways ~

Egg Quality 

It starts with the egg! Your eggs exist in a state of suspended animation as immature cells before undergoing a process of maturation before ovulation. During this maturation the egg increases in size, producing more energy to fuel the process of chromosome division. This process takes a few months. If something falters along the way, the egg will have chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in early miscarriage or a failed IVF cycle. 

Supporting the egg during this delicate process can ensure it is in optimal health and give you the best chance of a healthy pregnancy. Chinese medicine can improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the ovaries and optimize the health of your eggs. 

Don’t forget the Sperm

Sperm contribute half of the baby’s chromosomes, activate the egg and ensure the development of a healthy embryo. Sperm are especially vulnerable to damage from lifestyle factors and environmental toxins, including excessive heat and chemicals. Maximising the health of a male partner or donor will protect sperm from DNA damage, improve morphology and motility and increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy. 

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can support sperm health in a number of ways. Regulating the body’s endocrine system, reducing stress, and enhancing blood circulation can support optimal sperm production and function. Nutrients and antioxidants can further protect sperm from environmental damage and support healthy development, increasing your chances of a healthy successful IVF cycle. 

An Ideal Endometrial Lining 

Endometrial receptivity is the ability of the uterus to accept and support an implanting embryo. For this process to be successful, the lining should be thick and healthy. Acupuncture can help in building a receptive endometrium, thickening the lining and promoting a favourable trilinear structure. This increases the chances of implantation and reduces the risk of miscarriage. 

In Chinese medicine theory, stagnant blood in the uterus can impair implantation. This may be evidenced by clotting in the periods, a tendency to bruising or with signs in pulse and tongue diagnosis measured by your practitioner. The stagnant blood must be removed and proper flow in the uterus restored to support a healthy pregnancy. Specific herbs and acupuncture strategies can help to clear stagnation and harmonise blood in the uterus. 

Managing Stress

The journey through IVF can be stressful, and high stress levels can negatively impact fertility. Chronic stress can impair ovulation and disrupt hormones. Stress can also make you more likely to engage in less healthy behaviours such as having alcohol or junk food to excess.

Acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural ‘feel-good’ hormones. This relaxation effect can improve overall well-being and potentially increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

If you are stressed about being stressed, take heart. Meta-analyses of stress and fertility found that stress, anxiety and depression do not impact on IVF outcomes. 

However, stress and anxiety can impact your quality of life and make it more difficult to cope with the intensity of fertility treatment. A study looking at the impact of acupuncture on stress in IVF found that women who received acupuncture were more positive, felt more in control and were calmer during their cycles. Participants also reported feeling a sense of euphoria, reduced feelings of stress and were better able to cope during fertility treatments. 

Timing of Treatments

The first research looking at acupuncture and IVF was published in 2002, and focussed on same day treatments before and after embryo transfer. As the research has evolved, newer studies have found a greater benefit from whole systems acupuncture. Whole systems acupuncture is an individualised intervention that can include acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary and lifestyle recommendations. In this study people receiving regular ongoing treatment in a private clinic setting had greater odds of a live birth from donor and non-donor IVF cycles. 

If you are starting an IVF cycle, it is usually recommended to begin regular acupuncture and Chinese medicine 3 months before treatment commences. This ensures optimal nutrients and energetic balance for egg maturation, lining receptivity and stress management. 

If you have already started a cycle and are awaiting an egg collection or embryo transfer, it is helpful to start treatment at any time. Studies have consistently shown that acupuncture is better than no acupuncture – even one treatment can bring noticeable benefits to your mental and physical health. 

Acupuncture is not usually recommended in the 2 week wait after your embryo transfer. The uterine environment is in a state of low oxygen, where the body limits blood flow during implantation. As acupuncture is known to increase blood circulation, treatment is not routinely given during this time. Research studies that included treatment in the luteal phase after embryo transfer found lower rates of pregnancy, including in acupuncture placebo groups. This suggests that treatment may have an adverse effect in the luteal phase.

Poor sleep and high levels of stress are thought to disrupt the complex process of implantation. Acupuncture using calming points may be beneficial in supporting implantation for people who are experiencing high stress or sleep disruption in the two week wait. In historical Chinese medicine texts women wishing to conceive were advised that “Her sleeping place must be peaceful and quiet and she must not be exposed to fear and alarm.” 

An Individualised Approach

The superior results of patients in the whole systems acupuncture study demonstrates the benefit of bespoke, individualised treatments in supporting fertility. Chinese medicine emphasises the unique energy and constitutional makeup of each person, and treatments are tailored accordingly. Wherever you are in your fertility journey, a treatment plan will be designed to fit your circumstances and lifestyle, supporting you to optimal health. 

Acupuncture offers a supportive and holistic adjunct to IVF, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of fertility. By incorporating acupuncture into your fertility plan you are increasing your chances of conception and bringing balance and well-being on your journey to parenthood.